Wii fitness is definitely in big time! I haven't tried the Wii fit yet, but will buy it one day....for sure :). Though I have been a constant user of the Wii fit using the Wii Sports version. The fitness in the Wii sports features a fitness test that calculates a player's fitness age based on player's balance, speed, and stamina. I have yet to beat my actual age in the test! Though I must admit, it's a neat way to pull yourself into an exercise regime. Otherwise, there are times when you have to motivate and push yourself into doing and burning those extra calories in the gym.
I've at times borrowed several workout DVD's from our collection to follow the regime, but it is always hard to strictly abide by the schedule. I usually try to workout atleast twice or thrice in a week, but lately I am falling behind schedule... sniff sniff!
Talking about calories, I use this Web site to determine the calories of a food item. Simply put the search term of the foot item in the text field and hit enter. Simple and easy!
Dusting off the cobwebs
16 years ago